A Disappointing Easter
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Loved into Our Calling
Due to COVID-19, St. Michael’s is worshiping virtually via live video on YouTube. The video for this Sunday’s service is below. For future Sundays, please join us live at 10:30 am on our YouTube channel.
Nicodemus and I Need a Savior
Due to COVID-19, St. Michael’s is worshiping virtually via live video on YouTube. The video for this Sunday’s service is below. For future Sundays, please join us live at 10:30 am on our YouTube channel.
Unraveled: Peter
Due to COVID-19, St. Michael’s is worshiping virtually via live video on YouTube. The video for this Sunday’s service is below. For future Sundays, please join us live at 10:30 am on our YouTube channel.
Matthew 14:22-33
The Faith of Easter Morning
Luke 24:1-12
All Things Are Possible, But...
Mark 9:14-29
When Following Jesus Stinks
John 6:60-69